where i've been


Snow Day in Alicante

So, like I've been mentioning, it is raining record-amounts here. So much so that the University shut down completely today due to flooding, giving us a "rain-day-off", if you will.

This is phenomenal and would lead to many adventures, minus the fact that I am sick again and have spent the entire day fighting fever&sore-throat hell. (I know, right?) My madre's 3-year old grandson is sick as well -- you should have seen us at lunch today. Him and I were both propped up in our chairs, trying vainly to swallow the soup. At least I wasn't crying hysterically like the 3-year-old...right? Right?

Oh wait, I called my mom crying this morning. Oops.

Anyways, I wanted to go out and get some pictures of the damages, but since I am quarantined I can't. Here are some photos from the news, though. Yes, these are Alicante.

Click that for a video of Alicante and the storms. I couldn't figure out how to post the video within this blog, but its pretty crazy!

Also, family, please note that I really will be fine, I just have a throat-infection. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to get antibiotics...I've spent all day sleeping and already feel a bit better, so don't worry! I just laugh at my ridiculousness of being in Spain and spending two weeks of it completely ill. Woot.


1 comment:

  1. Just watched the news clip IN SPANISH about the rain. OMG, they talk so fast. Now I see how hard it must be for you! I don't think I understood a single word. All that running around & lack of sleep & stress takes it toll. It's flooding outside anyway, so STAY IN BED AND REST and get better soon. Love you more...
