Hello there! So, good news & bad news: I figured out what the heck is wrong with me. It's tonsilitis, which, in case the internet world needs to know, is a constant problem of my life, so no big. That's the bad news (which isn't really bad). Good news, the healthcare system in Spain ROCKS (You go, Obama. Copy Spain!**) I got to see the doctor immediately, got a prescription, filled it within appx two minutes, paid about $10 for two antibiotics and I was good to go. I woke up this morning feeling like a new woman.
In other news, I wanted to update you on my classes, which ROCK by the way. I had to switch my schedule around because they weren't offering some classes I needed (which I'm going to have to deal with when I get home, but ohhhwell right now). Firstly, I am taking Contemporary/Modern Spanish History from the most beautiful professor named Jaime. Yes, his name is Jaime and he looks like he just stepped out of a historical Spanish romance novel. (I'm lookin' at you Miss Katelyn.) He's super tan with the Spanish dark features and typical scruff, wears dark demin jeans, European shoes and those white, loose-fitting button-down shirts that all the Spanish men seem to wear in movies. I'm talking Enrique Iglesis, Antonio Banderas here. And he's my professor. Oh, I am going to learn a LOT. Did I mention he speaks three languages fluently? Italian, Spanish and English. And, okay, this might sound weird, but he has an incredibly poetical way of speaking. I think its the Spanish and Italian in him, because we English-speakers are not this poetical in everyday life. He said at least four incredibly profound thoughts within the two hours I've already spent in his class. Wonderful.
Beautiful professor aside, I'm actually super excited for this class because of the fact that the history I am learning took place here, where I am living. It's not like in the United States, where history is only 100 years back, or, if we learn world history, its something intangible and extremely far away. Last class, we were talking about the build-up to the 20th Century, and talked about all of these kings, queens and dynasties that lived in Madrid. Madrid, the city that I spent four days in, touring the Palacio Real and looking at famous works of art in the Prado. It didn't mean much to me then, but as he was talking about these people and these events, I just kept thinking -- I saw that. I was there. I know that. I can picture this.
It adds so much to a class, to talk about the politics of a certain ruler, and to have stood in the King's Room in the Palacio Real in Madrid and know what he saw as he signed that document, to know what it felt like to be there, what changes he made, what portraits he commissioned to be painted. I feel like I am going to learn so much simply because I want to imagine all of these stories that existed in these places, all of the intricacies. There's no way that I can learn it all in only four months....guess I'll just have to come back!
I'm also taking 20th Century Spanish Literature and Drama, which met for the first time today. I'm really excited for that class, too. (Not to mention my professora for that is also extremely attractive. She's got this gorgeous black hair that falls practically to her knees and these greenish-blue eyes. I'm secretly beginning to think CIEE only hires young, attractive professors to ensure we come to class.) What's nice is that it is going to pair perfectly with history, so as I'm learning the history, I will also be reading some of the works of literature that came out during that time. Which, as you know, since art influences culture and culture influences art.... studying them side by side is ideal.
Also, I get to read Spanish poetry and beautiful writers in Spanish, which is amazing. I love the way this language feels in my mouth and when I'm speaking it. One of my friends said its amazing, almost like secret passwords, that if you say the right piece in the right order, it unlocks to produce what you want. Its a silly way to think about it, she said, it's just language. But that's what I do.
I've advanced to actually having conversations with people in Spanish. I think my need to communicate is overpowering my need to be grammatically correct, because sometimes I just explode and talk and talk to my madre and Spanish people. I've realized that I actually understand a good 75% of what they are saying and I know how to respond -- the problem is just increasing my vocabulary. That's really what is holding me back. Perhaps I should do in Spanish what my dad told me to do in English: read the dictionary and memorize ten words a day. Could my brain handle it? Not sure.
Anywho, I just got back from a wonderful romp at the beach with my friend Jordan. We missed the rest of the group by like 3 hours because we were napping and being bums, but we got there eventually (after everyone left, of course, hahah). No worries, though, because the ocean was absolutely beautiful and the beach wasn't crowded at all. The sun was setting right behind the castle as I was swimming in the perfectly warm and clear Mediterranean sea.... tell me how I am not living in paradise?? All I kept thinking as I was floating and looking up at the sky was I live here, I live here, I live here... I am getting spoiled rotten. Not sure how I'm going to fare when I am back in boring San Jose.
But, alas, I am covered in sea-water and look like a sea-monster, which is not an attractive thing to most people. I need to take a shower and then start packing for GRANADA, which is where I am going to be weekend-ing tomorrow. Apparently it is beautiful, so I will update you when I return on Sunday night. Lauren and I are also going to be meeting up with her boyfriend Trevor (remember him from Madrid?) again and Elise, my roommate from freshman year. (The not-crazy-one that I actually adore) who is studying in Barcelona but going to Granada for the weekend. So, this should be pretty fantastic.
Talk to you soon. Thank you to everyone who has sent me mail -- it really makes my day! I love reading your comments too (and yes, I can read them Auntie Nettie!! :) ) so keep 'em coming~! Love love.
<3 K
**Footnote: I really don't know a damn thing about healthcare, nor what is going on with it in the US. So all of you up in arms about my political views to publicize healthcare, hush. I don't really know that much about it, other than I liked how easy and cheap it was to get meds here.
So happy you aare feeling better! Your photos are so cute and yes you are a nerd just like your cousin Jon! Thats why I love you both so much! You are both adventurous, love world history and other cultures, and you both support Obama! Way to go both of you! Did you know that he was in Prague for Two weeks. He got back just as you were leaving! He also loved it and wants to return someday. Know that you are loved and be safe! Auntie kathy
ReplyDeleteSooooo, you really are a college student! The classes sound great, especially the good looking professors part. I'd like that a lot too. Glad you're on the mend but leave Obama out of it. (haha.. just had to throw that in there). Exciting news from AZ. It was in the 80's today. Sizzling summer is just a distant memory. Love you honey