I got my blog while I was in Spain printed and bound in a book. I should take a picture of it and post it up here - but its really cool. It looks like a paperback book, and I was able to even get all of the color pictures printed as well. The best part? It was FREE! I had a promo code that I needed to use for this website that printed it for me. I'm considering getting more things like that done - I've very much into photobooks, scrapbooks, and the like. I just found a bunch of things I made at the end of high school and I am SO glad that I did those because now I have these cool memories bound in a book that I can flip through and remember.
So, we're about at midsummer. I'm not sure if I've accomplished everything that I was hoping to (reading a book a week certainly didn't happen, nor did finishing writing a lot of my stories I've been working on) but I've accomplished a lot of others things (worked a fair bit at various odd jobs, painted my room, am in the process of rereading the Harry Potter series). I feel like the best part of summer is yet to come... a lot of people are coming back into town in a few weeks, and August looks like it will be shaping up to be a good month. I'm pretty excited.
Meanwhile, here are some photos from the past month or so:

My friend Nick and I having a picnic in San Francisco.

Katelyn, Molly and I at Music in the Park.

Thoroughly enjoying SF Pride and being 21.

My hair has gotten long.

At the very first Starbucks in Seattle Pike's Market!

Miss Laura and I in Seattle!

This is where the Seattle Grace Hospital should be from Grey's Anatomy!! Obviously it is not there. (Note: Denny Way!!)
Anyways, I can't believe it is already almost August. Perhaps I will get a lot more writing done, considering this month has the same name as a character in one of my stories. I've been crocheting a lot, as well, and finished making a couple of things that I might take photos of and post later.
Well, this was a slightly boring update, but it was something at least. I'm off to get ready to head to downtown Stanford with some friends to look at the old movie theatre there. Should be fun!

Miss Laura and I in Seattle!

This is where the Seattle Grace Hospital should be from Grey's Anatomy!! Obviously it is not there. (Note: Denny Way!!)
Anyways, I can't believe it is already almost August. Perhaps I will get a lot more writing done, considering this month has the same name as a character in one of my stories. I've been crocheting a lot, as well, and finished making a couple of things that I might take photos of and post later.
Well, this was a slightly boring update, but it was something at least. I'm off to get ready to head to downtown Stanford with some friends to look at the old movie theatre there. Should be fun!
Love reading anything you write. Commenting so you will know someone out here in cyberland is actually reading it! As always, love the photos. Love to see all your smiling faces. The fun shines through!