Santa Clara University. Spring.
Truth be told, I just wrote a "farewell" blog post announcing that I was shutting this place down -- but then I started reading some old posts and realizing that, hey, I actually like writing in this thing. Hopefully you all enjoy reading it. I promise I shall be more active, deal?
The last few months have just flown by. I think its amazing really, how quickly time just goes right by you. All of a sudden I blink and its May! I've been gone from Spain for five whole months now, yet it still feels like yesterday that I was hopping on the 36 every morning at 8am for school. Now I'm walking down the same street every day, passing the fire station instead of the peluqueria, heaving my black and white checked backpack up on my shoulder as I am late, once again, to class.
How's life, you ask? Well, its alright, I suppose.
The other night, Lauren and I stayed in and hung out in my room, looking through pictures and talking about everything. And, well, we decided that we are in a rut. The rut of junior year. I think everyone is going through it -- we've been in college for three years now and everything's really starting to hit. People are breaking up left and right, trading in years of relationships for a couple of drunken nights with faceless strangers. Nobody knows what they're doing, why they're doing it, just that something is off and needs to be fixed. The choices that we are making now are actually affecting our Future with a capital F. Consequences. Choices. Different paths. Perhaps, for us right now, it feels like anything is possible, all we have to do is reach out and grab it -- but we have to pick something. And make sure that it is the "right" thing, whatever that means. The opportunity of everything is overwhelming. The countdown to the Real World has begun. And that, well, that my friends, is a scary, scary thing.
So, how do you deal?
Hell, I don't know. I'm not one that thinks of the Future in concrete terms. It's always more like something that's hanging out there with the Milky Way, glowing on the horizon. It'll happen. Right now all I can think about is Bay to Breakers on Sunday morning and my midterm Monday afternoon.
So - here are my two-cents, blogsphere:

Take it as you will. No day but today. The dog days are over, amigos. The good times are here.
The last few months have just flown by. I think its amazing really, how quickly time just goes right by you. All of a sudden I blink and its May! I've been gone from Spain for five whole months now, yet it still feels like yesterday that I was hopping on the 36 every morning at 8am for school. Now I'm walking down the same street every day, passing the fire station instead of the peluqueria, heaving my black and white checked backpack up on my shoulder as I am late, once again, to class.
How's life, you ask? Well, its alright, I suppose.
The other night, Lauren and I stayed in and hung out in my room, looking through pictures and talking about everything. And, well, we decided that we are in a rut. The rut of junior year. I think everyone is going through it -- we've been in college for three years now and everything's really starting to hit. People are breaking up left and right, trading in years of relationships for a couple of drunken nights with faceless strangers. Nobody knows what they're doing, why they're doing it, just that something is off and needs to be fixed. The choices that we are making now are actually affecting our Future with a capital F. Consequences. Choices. Different paths. Perhaps, for us right now, it feels like anything is possible, all we have to do is reach out and grab it -- but we have to pick something. And make sure that it is the "right" thing, whatever that means. The opportunity of everything is overwhelming. The countdown to the Real World has begun. And that, well, that my friends, is a scary, scary thing.
So, how do you deal?
Hell, I don't know. I'm not one that thinks of the Future in concrete terms. It's always more like something that's hanging out there with the Milky Way, glowing on the horizon. It'll happen. Right now all I can think about is Bay to Breakers on Sunday morning and my midterm Monday afternoon.
So - here are my two-cents, blogsphere:

Take it as you will. No day but today. The dog days are over, amigos. The good times are here.
Fabulous to finally read something. I miss the connection with you. Please don't stop blogging. You reflect here... which gives me chance to learn what's going on in that beautiful brain of yours. Every time I read it, I feel close to you again. I miss you and this allows me back in.