Yes, yes, here it comes .... SUMMER! I feel it in the air, calling me away from all of my duties and responsibilities. My last summer before the Real World. And I've decided I want these two months to be months of FUN. Not of anything hard or stressful or challenging - I've done plenty of challenging things in this past year. I'm ready for some good old-fashioned fun.
Here are some updates on things I've been up to:
Bay to Breakers 2010 was pretty much everything a good B2B should be: exhausting, overwhelming and memorable. My group of friends and I decided that we should be SUPERHEROES for this momentous occasion!

Super Dancer, Super Girl, The Square and The Green Machine team up to conquer the 5am train!
It was the 99th anniversary of Bay to Breakers, meaning that next year will be the 100th anniversary. Yes, I am planning my outfit NOW!
Meanwhile, the Spring Musical Thoroughly Modern Millie opened on Friday night, which is pretty awesome. I've been working on costumes for Millie for the last two months, so it was awesome to finally see everything come together! It looked amazing :)
Okay, I don't know what else to write about, so here are some pretty pictures.

My old friend JoVanna and I at my brother's high school graduation. Those pictures showing up soon!

Some friends and me :)

Lauren and I dancing in the kitchen!
Here are some updates on things I've been up to:
Bay to Breakers 2010 was pretty much everything a good B2B should be: exhausting, overwhelming and memorable. My group of friends and I decided that we should be SUPERHEROES for this momentous occasion!

Super Dancer, Super Girl, The Square and The Green Machine team up to conquer the 5am train!
It was the 99th anniversary of Bay to Breakers, meaning that next year will be the 100th anniversary. Yes, I am planning my outfit NOW!
Meanwhile, the Spring Musical Thoroughly Modern Millie opened on Friday night, which is pretty awesome. I've been working on costumes for Millie for the last two months, so it was awesome to finally see everything come together! It looked amazing :)
Okay, I don't know what else to write about, so here are some pretty pictures.

My old friend JoVanna and I at my brother's high school graduation. Those pictures showing up soon!

Some friends and me :)

Lauren and I dancing in the kitchen!
What a lovely, lovely life.
Girls just wanta have fun.... Go for it.