where i've been


Things We Learn The Hard Way... Part Two

Things I Learn The Hard Way:
Episode Two.

If you are flying SpanAir and stop in Madrid, you no longer get the same luggage requirements. Had you not stopped in Madrid and simply flown straight through, you would've have been fine. However, since you decided to stop, you only get 20 kilos, which is appx 0.1 pounds. This is how you will spend your money that you would've spent on a trip to Granada because the only thing you can do is pay up. Lo siento, chica.

Right now, I miss America's obesity epidemic and understanding of the necessity of material items. No me gusta, Espana. :(

1 comment:

  1. Kandace, I HOPE you had Trevor with you as you were lost in Madrid in the middle of the night! You're bringing out the baby bird in me. But looking at this positively, sounds like you learned a valuable lesson and only paid with a injured knee! It certainly could have been worse. Guess I've seen too many movies about "jouvens" getting into trouble in foreign countries because they don't know how things work. I hope you NEVER do that again. Enough said, what's this about Granada? Is it on the way to Alicante? Thinking about you & living vicariously thru you. Love, Auntie Nettie
