where i've been


Spanish class suddenly got excessively difficult and four hours of grammar can really get to a girl's brain. Especially when the class is only five people so you can't zone out, ever. Bomped around the downtown area this afternoon. Had to walk in the rain because my umbrella decided to break, so that's nice. Discovered some fun shops, though, and I like walking around because it makes me feel better about eating that giant piece of bread with cheese this afternoon. Got the cutest letter ever today from miss Grace, which completely made my day. Bought some stamps to return the favor. :)

Now I just ate dinner and am sitting in the living room with my senora and hermana. Trying to decide if I want to go out tonight, but I am so tired and it is so much effort, so who knows. I feel like a bad Spaniard because I go to bed by 11 every night.

I've gotta say, my brain is tired. So much Spanish all the time is a little bit trying -- all my words get mixed up in my brain. Ahhhhh. I can't speak either language right because everything's just all messed up. Hopefully, it will balance out soon.

1 comment:

  1. GO TO BED AND GET SOME SLEEP! The really great thing is, you are going to be in Spain for several months so why push it. You've got time to enjoy LOTS of nights out. If you let your brain & body catch up, you will feel & function better and not get cranky. Right????
    Mucho amor, Auntie Nettie
