I sent a very professional-esque e-mail out this afternoon about this exciting news...however, I am going to dance party away on this blog by announcing that The Vagina Monologues will appear on-campus this 2010 school year.
As in ... in a performance space. With real lighting. And real acoustics. And real tickets.
And the entire student body being able to view it.
For the past 3 years, this show has been banned due to its perceived conflicts with the teachings of the Catholic Church. And while the President of my university is not exactly endorsing the words of the performance, he is not banning it, either. At our personal meeting with him last Thursday, he explained that "it is not in the Jesuit tradition to ignore or ban words and ideas we may not agree with." I could not agree more. He also explained that, in looking at things we may not agree with, we can create a dialogue to discuss why we might not agree with them. Again, I completely agree. How can we find a way for female sexuality to live in the same world as a Catholic faith? How can all of these pieces of our human experience coexist? I would like to find the answers to these questions as well, and hope to use TVM to create a conversation on my university's campus. (Not to mention all of the atrocities that occur in regards to sexual violence, which is another beast of a conversation that we will attempt to tackle.)
We've been jumping for joy for the last few days. I am so, so proud of my university's adherence to their morals of social justice, and so proud of us women who truly have made a difference.
So, now, we're getting the ball rolling. Right now, I'm in the process of planning for auditions on Thursday and getting everything ready for directing the show. (Which, by the way, are happening in the Fess Parker Studio Theatre from 5:30 - 8, if you'd like to show up.) And although I am already completely overwhelmed with the ideas swirling through my head -- Man. I am just... so pumped. My dear friend Christine is going to be hopping on board with me as a co-director and we've already been talking about potential concepts. I'm going to be in meetings all week to get this ball rolling, but WHO CARES. I am so, so, so pumped.
I'm sure you will hear all about this budding process, but look for us to perform late April.
Who says that you can't make something happen?
All you need is perseverance and the courage to stand up for what you know is right.
Off to celebrate!
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