Stovetop Mac & Cheese ... mmmm, doesn't that look fab??
Okay, well that picture isn't the one that I made. And, unfortunately, my camera battery died and I can't find the charger so webcam photos will have to do!
Step one. Grocery store. Now, if any of you know me, I am not exactly the Queen of Supermarket. Perhaps the Ice Queen, of the frozen section, particularly of frozen pizzas. But, looking over this recipe, I thought, "Hey, that looks pretty easy. Even an idiot like me could make mac&cheese!" Hmm. We'll see about that. An hour, two phone calls to my fabulous and ever-patient friend Dylan (who easily makes my cooking look like a little kid with an Easy-Bake Oven) and a chocolate bagel later, I was in business. Shopping list clutched firmly in hand, striding confidently down the aisles -- ahh, I could imagine the looks on my friend's faces when they saw me triumphantly unveiling a magnificent souffle or quiche! Behold! What radiance! What splendor! What dancing taste buds! What ... was that thing supposed to be?
Okay, well, maybe my dreams of becoming a world famous chef are a little preemptive, but I had fun. Sure, I covered the kitchen in grease, sprayed onion juice in my eye and almost set off the fire alarm, but I shredded two types of cheese and even mixed my own sauce! Hell, I haven't died today of stomach gastration, so I consider myself a success.

It's time to shred some cheese!! And no, not cut it ;P

Look, I'm cooking things! Very excited.

Mmm, time to boil some pasta.

The final product! Not quite like the picture, but yummy nonetheless :)
Mmm. Recipe #1 = success!! I shall keep you updated further on my endeavors ;P Right now, I'm about to go celebrate with some chocolate Jello pudding. Yumm!!
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