Note the Christmas sweater. 'Tis the season!
As New Year's quickly approaches, I've realized that it is that time of year again -- time to make myself some resolutions! I have to admit -- 2009 was one of the best years ever, but I hope that 2010 can top it! Here is a list of 10 things I want to accomplish in 2010.
1. Keep running. I blogged earlier about the Couch to 5k program. I got to Week 5 before I got pretty sick and it got too cold in Alicante (I didn't bring any cold-weather gear). Now I am better and outfitted correctly, so I hope to keep running! There's a 5k in Big Sur in April -- I'd love to compete!
2. Keep writing. I also blogged about National Novel Writing Month where participants write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. Well, I completed the challenge, banging out my 50,000 words, but I'm still in a bit of a mess. Next year, I want to whip that baby into shape and keep churning out words. I try to write every day, and I want to keep that up.
3. Volunteer. If going to Spain taught me anything, its that I have a pretty lucky and privileged life over here in the States. I want to use my extra time helping other people out -- and if I get to use my Spanish while doing so, all the better.
4. Go to Church. On a somewhat related note, I need to get my butt back in that pew. I really love the faith-community and want to stay involved in my parish -- and what better way than to head over to the student mass every Sunday? Anyone want to come with?
5. Read 50 books. I figure that having a number is probably a good idea. I love to read and this way I'll keep on it -- I will post book reviews as I read them, to keep my readers in on the loop, too.
6. Floss every day. Hey, that's important, right?
7. Do my homework. This sounds somewhat self-explanatory and simple, yet somehow this always manages to get away from me. Rather important, really.
8. Save. Save. Save. If I ever want to get back to Europe and spend that summer with my Spanish family in their summer home in the south of France, I need to get some money in that bank account again. So, I have two savings accounts: one for 'life' and another for 'europe'. I have two years -- I think that's a good amount of time!
9. Plant a garden. Okay, maybe not an entire garden. But I do enjoy having green things around, and my backyard does have a hidden pumpkin patch. Or maybe just a little window box. In any case -- flowers are pretty, so I'm going to grow some!
10. No pasa nada. In honor of Espana and all of the adventures there, I'm going to add this phrase to my vocabulary. Somewhat akin to 'Hakuna Matata'. Life is too short to be stressed about it. Keep it all in perspective and remember -- no pasa nada. It is all going to be okay.
Alright, your turn! Post your own list!
Cute but I need some time to think about this! Will get back to ya.