where i've been


Este Fin de Semana

So, it is the middle of October and yesterday I spent the entire day at the beach. Granted, it wasn't blazing hot or anything, but it was still really warm. Since its late in the season, all the tourists are gone and the beaches are empty. You know me, I've always loved the ocean and always loved to swim. Plus, I found a bus that runs straight to the beach in fifteen minutes, YES. Before, it took me like, an hour to get there, because I had to walk, so it was always a pain to go. Now, I can go whenever I want, yeah! I love swimming in this ocean -- the water is so clear. It must've been at least ten feet where I was swimming, and I could see the bottom of the ocean perfectly. Awesome.

On Saturday, I went to a Medieval Festival in a nearby town called Elche, which is a short train-ride away. That was really cool. It reminded me on the Renaissance Faire almost, except ten times cooler because we were actually standing by a medieval castle.

Medieval Festival in Elche.

It was a nice little day trip. I wish I hadn't had eaten before, though, because there was so much food there! Empanadas, kebaps, pan, dulces, mmmm. I did succumb to buying myself some dulces, however, because they just looked toooooo tasty.

Stand of sweets, sweets, sweets! Very yummy.

You know you're in Spain when: you look at this sign and pronounce it in your head "cha-co-la-te" instead of "cha-co-lete"

Then, on Saturday night, I hung out with some friends and ran around the Barrio until 4am. I hadn't actually done that in a while, so it was fun to be out with everyone! Isn't it weird that being out until 4 means you pooped out early? I still can't get over it.

Ahh, proof that I have other friends than Lauren! (Though, I'm cheating, this wasn't actually from Saturday, but I like it!)

Good times, y'all. Good times. Can you believe I've already been here two months? And I'll be home in six weeks? I can't!

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