I broke down and packed two bags instead of the one I was aiming for. I had the one all packed and ready -- but once I put it on the scale, it weighed 82 pounds (and I hadn't even put in everything yet!). Okay, not exactly what I was aiming for. Got a little dose of reality check and put back half of the box of Chewy granola bars I was trying to take for the journey. (I'm not giving back my trail mix, though. Some things a girl just can't give up.)
Six plastic baggies, three SpaceSavers and two and a half hours later and I was in business.
I've decided that after I get into Madrid, I'm going to take the metro instead of a cab to the hotel. It will save me like twenty euros and besides, walking is good for you, right? Its just two stops and four blocks away anyway. However, lugging these two huge bags of luggages (plus, did I mention my backpack with my laptop and carry-on tote bag?) is going to be hilarious -- for everyone else that is. Also, I checked the weather for Madrid for Friday and its going to be 90+ degrees. With a chance of rain.
Okay, who am I kidding? Who cares if its raining and my arms will hurt a little?
Let it pour -- I'll be in MADRID!
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