where i've been


T-18 days

18 days left on my countdown.

(el castillo de santa barbara, un monumento de alicante)

I'm still in 100% denial about the fact that I will (too soon) be boarding a solitary flight to Madrid. I absolutely cannot believe how quickly time has passed, and will continue to pass. I bought myself a new piece of luggage at least; its bright red, which means it will stick out in the airport. Let's hope that it doesn't stick out to potential luggage thieves as well...

I've been spending a lot of time with my mom and my family lately, which has been really nice. For instance, my mom and I went out to breakfast at Dennys this morning and talked about everything under the sun. We also went out to El Toritos with my aunt the other night and ordered too much food and laughed a lot. In fact, now that I'm thinking about it, my mom and I are VERY good at going out to eat :) That's our favorite hobby, I'd say! We agree with Carrie Bradshaw about what you'll find in OUR stove: sweaters.

Since most of my friends are either home or busy with life/school/traveling/etc and my mom has gone back to work, I've been spending most of my time at home, just hanging around. Besides discovering FARMVILLE on Facebook (please check it out ASAP. We can be neighbors.) I've been spending a lot of time crafting, which is fabulous. Example, I am currently wearing a shirt that I tie-dyed yesterday afternoon with a 99cent shirt I got from Walgreens and old dye I had in my art-box. Also, I am in the middle of creating this:

(it has gotten about 70% closer to being finished since this picture)

...which is a pillow that I am crocheting, possibly to put on the couch in the Den? (It needs some color in there.) So that is fun.

In other news, I got an e-mail with the contact information of everyone that is going to Alicante on my program...and there is only like 15 people! I thought there would be tons more! Eek! Everyone seems really nice, though. (Hello, obviously I Facebooked them!) so I'm excited for that. No word on the family that I'm living with either. We did find a hotel to stay in Madrid for the first few days and got my flight from Madrid to Alicante squared away finally, so that's nice.

Alright, anywho, I am exhausted and most likely going to the beach tomorrow so this girl needs her beauty sleep.

Adios, amigos.

P.S. We have determined that my Spanish name shall be dulce, which, for those of you who don't know, translates to "candy". Appropriate, eh? :)

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